Monday, April 6, 2009

Welcome Note

Hello family!

I decided to start this blog in order to allow the whole family to get involved in doing our family history. As I have been taking a genealogy class this semester at Brigham Young University, I have come to appreciate the importance of studying our personal family histories. I encourage each of you to look through all your old boxes and seek out the potential treasures that have been stored away. I encourage you to share them on this blog. If you have something you want to post, email me and I will give you administrator access to post on the blog. If you don't feel confident with your blogging abilities, you can email me with the information and I will post it for you.

This blog is specifically for those memories that are taken from the Metro & Anna Zuback family line. You can have information about where they came from, their parents, grandparents, their children, their grandchildren, etc. As time goes on, I plan to make more blogs for more family lines.

Just to get your wheels spinning, here are a few suggestions of things that you can post:

Old journal entries (whether your own or those of ancestors in which you have a copy of the journal). These journal entries can include great facts but also personal memories that remind us how real our ancestors were.
Certificates (birth, death, marriage)
Photos (these are great! Captions are important so we know who they are and when the photo was taken)
Family Bible
Old Papers
Family mottos
Values that your parents taught you

I look forward to hearing from each of you.

1 comment:

  1. Mary, Well, I just read all your posts, and now I feel like I know you a little better.
    We actually have a lot in common. I like architcture and interior design too!! I love to build and decorate. I, also, love to see what makes things tick, and have taken apart many things in my life. Can't wait to see you when you come to visit Sarah. Please write and give my your home address because I have lots of pictures and info to send to you to put on this Zuback Website. I would mess it up, as I'm not real good at this. Send me your address on my regular e-mail address ok?
    I'll be seeing your sisters on Easter Sunday.
    So you take care, Aunt Carol
